They at PCMC called it Parentcraft Class. Tapi objective sama je macam other ante-natal classes yang lain. The price is ridiculous to me. RM250/couple for a day session from 8.30am (registration an dbreakfast) until around 4.45pm (coffee break/adjourn). The class started at 9.15am and by4.45pm dah habis. To me, sangat mahal lah if compared to other hospitals like Tawakal ke only RM80/couple (tak silap I) or other hospitals like An-Nur and Pantai Cheras bagi free classes. Even kat Pantai Medical Centre pun murah lagi dari ni kot.
Dah lah goodie bag tak best langsung! It's not that I nak sangat dapat barang2 baby ke apa ke.. tapi at least something yang beneficial lah which we as a 1st time mommies can read or can use it for our babies. I think the only thing yang I found it useful among goodie bag tu adalah Huggies Disposable Diapers. Benda2 lain dlm goodie bag tu adalah calendar PCMC sampai 2 keping, diary PCMC 2010 (okeh lah boleh guna walaupun haku dah ada melambak diary), Nestle pregnancy guide (pun sampai 2 keping) ni pun bagus jugak lah, ada good info in there. Lepas tu ada sample Obimin, which my gynae pun penah bagi sekotak kat I last time, finally leaflet merepek2 on formula milk etc. (I'm into breasfeeding, jadik tak berapa minat nak tengok leaflet FM ni).
:: Isi kandungan goodie bag yang tak best::
::Ada sample Huggies for newborn and small size, then in there ada swaddle blanket 1 and wet tissue. Abbott punya bag tu ada t-shirt baby sehelai and positive parenting mag (okeh lah boleh baca)::

The fee include breakfast, lunch and coffee break. Tapi sadly parking tak free which I think they should bagi free parking je. Dia cuma bagi flat rate of RM5 je for parking.
The classes?? Nasib baik lah the informations yang dapat dari the classess quite useful. (Even tho hubby kata we can actually google je dalam internet, sama je information dia). Sayangnye sebab time is sooooo limited, with 9 topics cramped in less than 8 hours (ada lunch break 1 hour), Q&A session sangat2 limited between each topics. Sadly, talks on Ante Natal Care/Labour & Delivery by Dr. Tan Ay Eeng takde Q&A langsung sebab tak cukup time. I found this topic sangat lah interesting sebab the doctor talks about the labor process (somemore doctor dia pun best).
Other topics include:-
1) Eating your way through pregnancy - topic bagus tapi dietician yg bagi talk adalah sangat bosan.
2) Emotional & mental health during & after pregnancy - more on how to handle your stress before and after pregnant. How husbands MESTI involved and LISTEN to their WIVES. No matter pasal apa pun lah. Layan kan je lah... dekat sapa lagi nak ngadu ye tak kalau tak kat laki sniri. And how important to take a 5 minutes break, relax and take a deep breath bila tgh stress tu and how important to think positive. Sebab the stress, or depression ni akan turun kat baby kita nanti.
3) Newborn hearing screening - ni pun something new to me. I never ever thought about this. Sangat lah penting untuk jalani ujian pendengaran pada baby seawal umur baby 1 hari. At PCMC, all newborn will undergo this 2 minutes test to check on their hearing problems. Sebab according to the audiologist, kita normally cuma tau anak kita ada hearing problems bila umur dah 2-4 tahun. Which is actually dah lewat. Early detection boleh selamatkan hearing anak kita. And most importantly, hearing loss tak bermakna the child tak boleh cakap! That is soooo wrong!!!!
4) Pain management - talks about pain relief. Ada 3 jenis, the "laughing gas" or ethonox (which the anes said tak lah ketawa pun bila pakai gas tu. Ntah nape nama laughing gas pun dia tak tau huhuhu), pethadine or morphine injection and finally the famous "happy"Dural- epidural. At PCMC the charges of epidural is roughly RM180 (for doc's consultation) + RM380 for the epidural itself. He suggested epidural la of course sebab "memudahkan" dan menghappykan para ibu yang sakit contraction tu. Dia kata, happy jeeeee semua mommies yg guna epidural. Huhuhuh Unfortunately due to my p.i.d (or slip disc) operation last time, I maybe tak boleh nak amik epidural ni. Sebab epidural will be injected kat lumbar area of your spine, specifically at L4. And my surgery last time was at L4 and L5. Dia kata, I've got to get my surgeon last time to justify whether he "took off" the epidural space or not. If yes, memang confirm tak boleh nak amik epidural. Cos epidural will be injected into your back, and the HUGE needle (saja guna caps for the word huge tu sebab nak bagi other mommies takut lalalalala *gile dengki!!*) will be inserted at the epidural space in between your spine and nerve. This session sangat bagus and somemore dapatlah all the participant tanya macam2 soalan kat anes tu (luckily ada time for Q&A).
5) Baby bath and baby massage - the head nurse of maternity ward demo on how to bath and massage the baby. Hubby did record the demo and I will upload in here to share with other mommies.
6) Breasfeeding - ni yang paling I tunggu actually sebab memang plan nak exclusive breastfeed my baby. Please kawan2 doa kan saya berjaya ye. Tapi basically apa yg the doctor bincangkan, I already baca pun dalam internet. Quite the same information pun. Macam recap balik je.
7) Exercise in pregnancy/breathing and relaxation exercise/ pelvic floor in pregnancy - ini pun bagus! Tapi sekejap sangat lah. And the exercises or the techniques tu ada few je lah. Tak banyak pun. Maybe memang itu je kot tuk preparation for labor kot? The physiotherapist (physiotherapist ni my physiotherapist masa I had p.i.d last time huhuhu) ajar cara how to take a deep breath as according to her, it is important to have a good techniques of breathing sebab the right technique will relief the contraction pain masa labor. And the right breathing technique ni jugak useful masa nak push for baby. Hi hi haaaaaaaa.. hu hu haaaaaaaa (cara lepas nafas :p) Tarik deeeeeeppppppp breathhhhhhhh then pushhhhhhh!!!!! And dia tunjuk few exercises that we pregnant mom should do for labor preparation.
Voila! Thats about it. Pastu ada labour room/ ward visit. Yang ni I dah pernah masuk la last time sebab buat CTG masa baby tak gerak ari tu kan....
Okeh, sangat panjang lebar okeh entry kali ni. Sambil type ni, sambil cuci towel baby and baju2 baby. Kena cuci sikit2, sebab maklumlah, takde tempat nak sidai. Dok apartment susah sikit. Ni pun ada lagi baju2 yg belom cuci. Nampaknya next week la baru boleh cuci lagi.
Ok peeps, got to go. We'll meet again soon Insya Allah.
Yours truly,
Yang tangan dah kecut2 hand wash baju baby