
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My body is aching

.... and I cant sleep soundly. Seems like too soon to have all this "inconvenience symptoms". Normally it will strikes at 3rd trimester isn't? I heard people said that the 2nd trimester should be the honeymoon months for pregnant mom. Guess not for me!

I still had this so called morning sickness, every morning seems like a compulsory to threw up. The usual yellow color thingy. Yikes! Hubby told me that I started late. I only had the morning sickness at the end of 1st trimester. And he said that's one of the reason why *pandai² je Somi saya ni*.

I'm now in my 18 weeks and I cant wait to be "healthy" again. I've been having headache, nausea since like ages and it seems like a daily dosage to have those. I hope I would be better by the 20th week. Please baby, help mommy.

Well, I'm not complaining. In fact, I love it to bits. And grateful that Allah gave me the opportunity to feel all these. Syukur! I just wonder why these still happening and I need some kind of "motivation" to forget about the headache etc to continue doing my daily routines without feeling nausea or weak. How meh?

Sicknes, please go away, mommy wanna be healthy again,

ps: Lupa nak wish Happy New Year! Tak perasan pun New Year, sebab asik layan "perasaan" je. Huhuhuhu...

3 || shades of life ||:

Shikhin Ishak said...

beb,enjoy the 'sickness' dulu lah..hihi..anyway happy new year mommy!

Mag said...

hehe..betul..enjoy sickness. boleh manja2..nanti rindu =p

:: || Mrs. Izwan || :: said...

babes, tgh enjoy sgt nih.. Heheeh sampai x lalu dah nak enjoy...